Personal injury

Auto Accidents

Even minor auto collisions can create significant financial hardship. From medical bills to missed time at work to rental car costs and long term mechanic fees, there's nothing easy about getting back on your feet after a car accident. It's even worse when the insurance companies refuse to honor their policy. That's where we come in. We consistently get our clients top-dollar payouts. Find out how today. Give us a call. 

Products liability

The law is clear that when a manufacturer, distributor, or maintenance company allows an unsafe product to reach the market and cause harm to the consumer, all injuries and costs that could reasonably have been anticipated to occur may be recoverable by the aggrieved consumer. From exploding cell phone batteries to roll-over-prone SUVs, we've seen it all, and we're ready to help you fight for the compensation you deserve. 

Premises liability

When a person or business welcomes a guest onto their property, they must accept that they owe a duty of care to provide a safe environment - that includes keeping floors clean and dry, making sure stairs are properly kept up and marked, and in the current era, following CDC recommendations to prevent the unnecessary spread of airborne pathogens. If you have suffered injury due the carelessness or mistake of a property owner or manager, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. Call us today to learn more.